Unit Trusts

Balanced Funds

Visio BCI SA Balanced Fund

The Visio BCI SA Balanced Fund was launched in October 2020. The objective of this multi-asset high equity portfolio is to generate wealth for investors by offering meaningful inflation beating medium to long term returns while minimising the risk of capital loss. The team utilise a targeted active asset allocation process and disciplined stock picking approach with the aim of outperforming the funds benchmark- the multi-asset high equity peer group. The fund invests in a diversified balanced combination of South African assets where the asset allocation is actively managed in the short term. The maximum limit is: Equity: 75%.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
October 2020
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA Multi-Asset High Equity
SA Multi-asset High Equity Peer

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Visio BCI Balanced Fund

The Visio BCI Balanced Fund strategy was launched in September 2019. The objective of this multi-asset high equity portfolio is to generate wealth for investors by offering meaningful inflation beating medium to long term returns while minimising the risk of capital loss. The team utilise a targeted active asset allocation process and disciplined stock picking approach with the aim of outperforming the funds benchmark- the multi-asset high equity peer group. The fund invests in a diversified balanced combination of both South African and global assets where the asset allocation is actively managed in the short term. The maximum limits are: Equity: 75%; Listed Property: 25%; Foreign: 30%; Africa (excl. SA): 10%.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
September 2019
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA Multi-Asset High Equity
SA Multi-asset High Equity Peer

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Flexible Unit Trusts

Visio BCI Actinio Fund

The Visio BCI Actinio Fund was launched in April 2004. The flexible asset allocation portfolio utilises asset allocation and stock picking to provide investors with strong medium to long term capital growth in Rands while focusing on capital preservation. It is actively managed on an absolute return basis in terms of the rules set out in the Collective Investments Schemes Act. The Fund’s objective is to achieve superior long-term risk adjusted returns of at least 3% above CPI per annum through investing in a diversified range of local and foreign asset classes. The main asset classes are equity and cash but can also include ETFs, foreign exchange and bonds. Up to 40% exposure is permitted to foreign listed securities.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund Launch:
April 2004
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA Multi-Asset Flexible
CPI + 3%

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Visio BCI Shari’ah Worldwide Flexible Property Fund

The objective of the Visio BCI Shari’ah Worldwide Flexible Property Fund is to achieve moderate to high long-term capital growth by investing primarily in local and global property companies that comply with Shari’ah (Islamic Law) and the standards prescribed by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). The portfolio investments shall be Shari’ah compliant and approved for investment by the Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB) or Shariah Advisory Committee (SAC) from time to time. The investable universe of the portfolio will include equity and property securities, including companies that derive a material portion of their income from property investment, property collective investment schemes, property loan stock, preference shares, income generating instruments, non-equity securities, assets in liquid form and any other securities which are considered to be consistent with the portfolio’s investment objective as allowed by the Act from time to time. Subject to the compliance with Shari’ah (Islamic Law) and the standards prescribed by the AAOIFI the portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
1 June 2021
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
Worldwide equity unclassified
IdealRatings Global REITs Islamic Index

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

General Equity Unit Trusts

Visio BCI SA Equity Unit Trust

The Visio BCI SA Equity Fund was launched in June 2017, and is the pooled offering of the domestic focused Visio Capped SWIX Composite Fund. The main objective of the Visio BCI SA Equity Fund is to provide investors with high long-term capital growth through equity market exposure across all sectors of the JSE . The investment universe consists primarily of equity securities, with the equity exposure always exceeding 80%. The fund may also invest in preference shares, debentures, debenture bonds, money market instruments, interest bearing securities, non-equity securities, property shares and property related securities listed on exchanges and assets in liquid form. The team apply a bottom up research process in order to select companies with the objective of outperforming the FTSE JSE Capped Shareholder Weighted Index (J433T) (Capped SWIX) Index through active fund management.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund Launch:
June 2017
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA General Equity
CSWX Index

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Visio BCI General Equity Fund

The Visio BCI General Equity Fund was launched in March 2014. It is the pooled offering of the domestic focused Visio SWIX Composite Fund which has been managed by the team since November 2007. The key objective of the Visio BCI General Equity Fund is to provide investors with high long-term capital growth through equity market exposure across all sectors of the JSE . The investment universe consists primarily of equity securities, with the equity exposure always exceeding 80%. The fund may also invest in preference shares, debentures, debenture bonds, money market instruments, interest bearing securities, non-equity securities, property shares and property related securities listed on exchanges and assets in liquid form. The team apply a bottom up research process in order to select companies with the objective of outperforming the FTSE/JSE All Share Total Return Index (SWIX) Index through active fund management.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
March 2014
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA General Equity
FTSE/JSE All Share Total Return Index (SWIX) Index

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Visio BCI Shari’ah Equity Fund

The Visio BCI Shari’ah Equity Fund was launched in June 2018. The flexible asset allocation portfolio utilises asset allocation and stock picking to provide investors with strong medium to long term capital growth in Rands while focusing on capital preservation. It is actively managed on an absolute return basis in terms of the rules set out in the Collective Investments Schemes Act. The Fund’s objective is to achieve superior long-term risk adjusted returns above that of the FTSE/JSE Shariah All Share Index (J143T) through investing in a diversified range of local and foreign asset classes. The main asset classes are equity and cash but can also include ETFs, foreign exchange and bonds. Up to 40% exposure (30% global + 10% Africa) is permitted to foreign listed securities. Investments in the Fund are subject to Shari’ah screening and oversight of an independent Shari’ah advisory board. The Fund will adhere to the Shari’ah Standards published from time to time by the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) as interpreted by the Fund’s Shari’ah Board.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
June 2018
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA General Equity
FTSE/JSE Shariah All Share Index (J143T)

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Visio BCI SA Property Fund

The objective of the Visio BCI SA Property Fund is to achieve moderate to high long-term capital growth. The investable universe of the portfolio includes South African equity and property securities, including companies that derive a material portion of their income from property investment, property collective investment schemes, property loan stock, fixed interest securities, notes, preference shares, non-equity securities and assets in liquid form. The portfolio will invest at least 80% of the market value of the portfolio in shares listed in the FTSE / JSE Real Estate industry group and may include other high yielding securities from time to time. Up to 10% of the portfolio may be invested in shares outside the property sector in companies that conduct similar business activities. The fund was initially launched as a worldwide property fund in June 2020 and benchmarked against a composite benchmark of 50% SA Real Estate General and 50% Global Real Estate Category Averages. It was restructured to a SA property fund in August 2022.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
June 2020
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA Real Estate General
SA Real Estate General Category Average

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Vulani Mampane vulani@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Global Unit Trusts

Visio BCI Global Equity Fund

The Visio BCI Global Equity Fund was launched in February 2022, and is a pooled vehicle offering exposure to the team’s best offshore ideas. The main objective of the Visio BCI Global Equity Fund is to provide investors with high long-term capital growth through equity market exposure across all market sectors globally . The investment universe consists primarily of equity securities, with the offshore equity exposure always exceeding 80%. The fund may also invest in preference shares, debentures, debenture bonds, money market instruments, interest bearing securities, non-equity securities, property shares and property related securities listed on exchanges and assets in liquid form. The team apply a bottom up research process in order to select companies with the objective of outperforming the MSCI World Index through active fund management.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund Launch:
February 2022
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
Global Equity General
MSCI World TR Index

Visio BCI Global Property Fund

The objective of the Visio BCI Global Property Fund is to achieve moderate to high long-term capital growth by investing primarily in global listed property companies. The investable universe of the portfolio will include equity and property securities, including companies that derive a material portion of their income from property investment, property collective investment schemes, property loan stock, preference shares, income generating instruments, non-equity securities, assets in liquid form and any other securities which are considered to be consistent with the portfolio’s investment objective as allowed by the Act from time to time. The fund was initially launched as a worldwide property fund in June 2020 and benchmarked against a composite benchmark of 50% SA Real Estate General and 50% Global Real Estate Category Averages. It was restructured to a global property fund in July 2022.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
June 2020
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
Global Real Estate General
Global Real Estate Category Average

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Unconstrained Fixed Interest

Visio BCI Unconstrained Fixed Interest Fund

The Visio BCI Unconstrained Fixed Interest Fund seeks to provide investors with exposure to the fixed interest market and aims to offer maximum returns by actively extracting value from various sources within the fixed interest universe. The objective of the portfolio is to maximize both income and capital over a long-term investment horizon. The Visio BCI Unconstrained Fixed Interest Fund is not subject to benchmark-specific guidelines, and therefore has greater flexibility when it comes to selecting and allocating securities. Given the flexible fixed income approach, the Fund’s duration can also be adjusted with greater flexibility than traditional fixed income strategies. A flexible unconstrained fixed income approach can better react to market fluctuations. As a result, the Fund also provides greater flexibility in generating positive absolute returns while managing risk in changing markets. The Visio BCI Unconstrained Fixed Interest Fund is a domestic fixed interest portfolio launched in April 2016. The team’s track record however dates back to 2012.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
April 2016
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA Multi-Asset Income
STeFI X 1.25

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Visio BCI Bond Fund

The fund aims to generate returns above the JSE All bond index (‘ALBI’) overtime utilizing active bond management combined with strategies which aim to reduce risk. The portfolio invests predominantly in domestic bonds. Investments include a combination of assets in liquid form and a combination of bonds and interest bearing securities including loan stock, debentures, debenture bonds, money market instruments, corporate debt and non-equity securities. The Fund may also invest in participatory interests or any other form of participation in portfolios of collective investment schemes. The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments. The manager may also include forward currency interest rates and exchange rate swap transactions for efficient portfolio management purposes.

Retail, multi-managers, trusts
Fund launch:
Mar 2021
Boutique Collective Investments
Asisa Category:
SA Interest Bearing Variable Term
JSE All Bond Index (ALBI)

Please contact Craig French at craig@visiofund.co.za or Tassin Meyer tassin@visiofund.co.za should you require further information on this fund.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the minimum unit trust investment amount?

    The minimum lump sum investment is R10 000 per account. The minimum debit order is R500 per month.

  • What FICA documentation should I include with my unit trust application form?

    1. A certified or notarised copy of a valid I.D document containing a photo, full names, date of birth & ID number.
    2. A cancelled cheque or bank statement (not older than 3 months).
    3. A document (not older than 3 months) showing your residential address (e.g. utility bill, bank statement, tax invoice, Telkom account, payslip or municipal rates). * A passport /driver’s license containing the above information will only be accepted with a written reason for the unavailability of the ID document. Please send these FICA documents and completed unit trust form together with proof of deposit to instructions@bci-transact.co.za

  • How do I top up my unit trust investment?

    To add additional funds please complete an additional form >
    Please send the completed form to instructions@bci-transact.co.za

  • How do I withdraw funds from my investment?

    To redeem funds please complete a redemption form >
    Please send the completed form to instructions@bci-transact.co.za

  • How can I update the BCI platform with a change of details?

    Please complete the following Personal Update Form >
    Please send the completed form to instructions@bci-transact.co.za

  • How do I register for the BCI Online Portal?

    Complete the online registration steps at https://www.bci-transact.co.za
    Complete the empty fields and click ‘Generate’, then complete the additional fields and click ‘Submit’